
Own Your Own Platform POWERED

A Bankless, Decentralized, Uncensorable content subscription protocol for creators.

Welcome to web3

What is BackedBy?

BackedBy is a decentralized payment protocol made to empower creators.

BackedBy uses the power of web3 smart contracts to give creators a way to post exclusive content for subscribers directly–without a platform. No outside entity, bank, or platform can get between you and your supporters ever again. And we only take 1%.



create what you want publish directly to the blockchain


support your favorite creators 99% goes to the artists


own your platform unlimited freedom from censorship

Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

web3 can be confusing. But the benefits are enormous. If we’re missing something from this list, please let us know!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla arcu mi, fringilla vel euismod at, accumsan et lectus. Praesent elementum, mi sit amet facilisis finibus, ligula turpis sagittis diam, sit amet dictum sem risus id massa. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris faucibus tempor rutrum. Ut sem lacus, lacinia at volutpat eu, suscipit a mauris.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla arcu mi, fringilla vel euismod at, accumsan et lectus. Praesent elementum, mi sit amet facilisis finibus, ligula turpis sagittis diam, sit amet dictum sem risus id massa. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris faucibus tempor rutrum. Ut sem lacus, lacinia at volutpat eu, suscipit a mauris.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla arcu mi, fringilla vel euismod at, accumsan et lectus. Praesent elementum, mi sit amet facilisis finibus, ligula turpis sagittis diam, sit amet dictum sem risus id massa. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris faucibus tempor rutrum. Ut sem lacus, lacinia at volutpat eu, suscipit a mauris.

Join the community



MVP Launch on Testent

A functional version of BackedBy that allows creators to make profiles, mint $PROJECT tokens, setup tiers for membership access, and post content. Creators can also choose to list their $PROJECT tokens for sale.
Individuals interested in directly investing in creators can become Backers by buying $PROJECT tokens. Subscribers can then choose a membership tier for purchase to access content.
All revenue from membership purchases are distributed to $PROJECT token holders. All transactions are performed using the chain native token.



Monetized Messaging

Creators can choose to accept and monetize direct messages from fans



Distributed File Storage

All creator content encrypted and hosted on a distributed file storage service. Decentralized access control to content for membership NFT holders.



Launch of version 1 on Mainnet

Including features of the demo/prototype launch + the new features detailed thus far in the roadmap, with support for desktop web browsers and a mobile app.



Founding Creators Onboarded


Outreact efforts focused on onboarding a diverse set of founding creators, representing the core of the BackedBy platform.